The Ohio State High­way Patrol reports that three peo­ple were killed on Ohio’s road­ways dur­ing this New Year’s Hol­i­day report­ing period of Mid­night, Tues­day, Decem­ber 31, 2013 through 11:59 p.m., Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 1, 2013. Last year six peo­ple were killed dur­ing the same two-day hol­i­day report­ing period.

Dur­ing the report­ing period troop­ers arrested 162 dri­vers for impaired dri­ving, an increase of 27 per­cent when com­pared to last year’s hol­i­day. In addi­tion, troop­ers cited 222 peo­ple with aggres­sive dri­ving, an increase of 37 per­cent and arrested 53 motorists for drug-related offenses, an increase of 21 per­cent.

For a com­plete break­down of the Patrol’s hol­i­day enforce­ment please visit http://www.statepatrol.ohio.gov/doc/NewYearHoliday_2014.pdf

The pub­lic is encour­aged to con­tinue using #677 to report dan­ger­ous or impaired dri­vers, as well as drug activity.

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