A three-vehicle crash Mon­day morn­ing at U.S. 127 and Ohio 18 left three peo­ple injured… two of them with seri­ous injuries.

The Ohio State High­way Patrol at Defi­ance says 45 year old Roy Wor­ley Jr, of Lit­tle River, S.C., was dri­ving a tractor-trailer rig east on Ohio 18 when he ran a stop sign.

Worley’s rig slammed into a north­bound car dri­ven by 44 year old Julie Restainer of Bryan. Both vehi­cles then slid into a west­bound SUV dri­ven by 73 year old Judy Dreher of Hicksville.

Wor­ley was flown from the scene by ProMed­ica Air to Toledo Hos­pi­tal.

Restainer also was flown from the scene to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne where she was listed in crit­i­cal con­di­tion Mon­day after­noon.

Dreher was treated and released at the Defi­ance Regional Hospital.

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