Good news for home­schooled stu­dents at Hill­top. Those stu­dents are now eli­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate in extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties.

At Monday’s reg­u­lar meet­ing, the Millcreek-West Unity Board of Edu­ca­tion approved an amend­ment to the Hill­top High School and Junior High School’s student-athletic hand­book, which will also apply to all applic­a­ble Millcreek-West Unity School Dis­trict poli­cies, which will now per­mit eli­gi­ble stu­dents who reside in the dis­trict and are cur­rently home-schooled or attend­ing a non-public school to par­tic­i­pate in any Hill­top extra-curricular activ­ity not offered to them through their place of study.

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