Edon Declares War On Drugs

Edon could be the next local com­mu­nity, fol­low­ing the lead of Bryan and Mont­pe­lier, to place a pro­hi­bi­tion on the sale and dis­tri­b­u­tion of syn­thetic mar­i­juana and other drugs. Vil­lage coun­cil mem­bers voted at their meet­ing Mon­day evening to have the Vil­lage Solic­i­tor draw up an ordi­nance which they will con­sider at a meet­ing next month.

Solic­i­tor Tom Thomp­son told The Bryan Times that he is look­ing into it for sev­eral vil­lages, and he wants to make sure that any ordi­nance is in com­pli­ance with the Ohio Revised Code in ref­er­ence to felonies.

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