Tax Holiday Looks Likely

The Ohio Sen­ate signed off this week on leg­is­la­tion allow­ing peo­ple here in Ohio to buy cer­tain items over a three-day period with­out pay­ing any state or local sales taxes.

The sales tax hol­i­day would begin on the first Fri­day of August and cover school sup­plies, com­put­ers and sup­plies.

The bill passed on a vote of 30–2 and now heads to the Ohio House.

The tax exemp­tion would cover cloth­ing, school sup­plies, text­books, instruc­tional mate­ri­als, com­put­ers and tablets and other devices.

There would be lim­its on the value of items cov­ered — com­put­ers would only be cov­ered up to $1,000, for exam­ple. And pur­chases such as sport­ing goods, video game con­soles and cell phones would not qual­ify.

Eigh­teen other states have com­pa­ra­ble sales tax hol­i­days in place.

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