Rape Allegation Made At Paulding Exempted Board Meeting

Accu­sa­tions of rape were lev­eled at a meet­ing this week of the Pauld­ing Exempted Vil­lage Board of Edu­ca­tion.

Barry Vance of Pauld­ing asked the Board of Edu­ca­tion to remove a rock placed in honor of a for­mer Pauld­ing Mid­dle School teacher from school prop­erty.

Vance told the board that when he was in eighth-grade at Pauld­ing Mid­dle School in 1982, a for­mer teacher raped him at the school.

Vance also told the shocked board, that before being raped, the teacher offered him bet­ter grades, money, and use of a future car, in exchange for allow­ing the teacher to per­form sex­ual favors on him.

Vance says he refused, and that’s when he was attacked by the teacher, and that the alleged rape took place near the teacher’s class­room.

Vance told reporters after the meet­ing that Don­ald Schnepp, who died in 2004, was the teacher who attacked and raped him in 1982.

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