Inmate Charged With Weapon Possession

On Fri­day, a man from Angola was for­mally charged with hav­ing a home made weapon in his pos­ses­sion while he was an inmate at the Steuben County Jail last May.

38 year old Richard Nagel is now charged with being a Pris­oner in Pos­ses­sion of a Dan­ger­ous Device or Mate­r­ial as a Deadly Weapon. That charge is a felony. He is also being charged with being a Habit­ual Offender.

The felony charge car­ries a max­i­mum of 20 years in prison. If Nagel is con­victed of it though, he could face an addi­tional 10 to 30 years under habit­ual offender sen­tenc­ing guide­lines.

A pre­sen­tenc­ing con­fer­ence is being held today. Mean­while, Nagel is behind bars with bail set at $75,000. He has pleaded not guilty.

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