Successful Parade In Defiance

IN Defi­ance, the 69th annual Lions Club Hal­loween parade was held Sat­ur­day evening.

This year, more than 100 entries took part, includ­ing eight march­ing bands, sev­eral area fire depart­ments, clas­sic and antique cars, school and church groups, and busi­nesses.

Parade-goers lined Clin­ton Street from Tri­an­gle Park to First Street, some sit­ting four and five chairs deep in spots, with some report­edly set­ting up their seats as early as late Fri­day evening.

There were sev­eral local busi­nesses and food ven­dors were offer­ing hot sand­wiches and bev­er­ages for pur­chase along the parade route.

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