Bryan Man Pleads Guilty To Rape Charge

A Bryan man has pleaded guilty in a Williams County rape case.

28 year old Richard Mojica Jr was indicted by a Williams County grand jury in Decem­ber. He pleaded guilty Thurs­day.

Mojica is charged in an inci­dent that hap­pened back in May last year, when he allgedly engaged in sex­ual con­duct with a woman when the woman’s abil­ity to resist or con­sent was sub­stan­tially impaired because of a men­tal or phys­i­cal con­di­tion.

Author­i­ties also say Mojica used force or the threat of force to com­pel the same vic­tim to sub­mit to sex­ual con­duct.

Mojica also admit­ted to being a “repeat vio­lent offender” due to a 2004 con­vic­tion in a Henry County for which he served four years in prison.

Sen­tenc­ing is set for March 11th.

Mojica faces a pos­si­ble sen­tence between three and 21 years in prison. He will be required to reg­is­ter as a Tier III sex offender for life.

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