Bomb Threat In Edgerton Under Investigation

A bomb threat Tues­day morn­ing brought police rush­ing to the St. Mary School, on Locust Street in Edger­ton. Police are keep­ing tight lipped on just how that threat was com­mu­ni­cated, but they do say that all the stu­dents were accounted for safely, and nobody was hurt. While they say they now believe there was never actu­ally a bomb involved, they do say that they take all threats seri­ously, and safety pro­ce­dures were fol­lowed, result­ing in all stu­dents and fac­ulty being evac­u­ated to a safe area. A vig­or­ous inves­ti­ga­tion is under­way, and when caught, those respon­si­ble face some very stiff penalties.

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