Change Of Venue Request Anticipated In Noffsinger Case

An attor­ney in a Pauld­ing County aggra­vated mur­der case now intends to file a change of venue motion. The Cres­cent News reports that the request has been filed by one of the attor­neys rep­re­sent­ing 59 year old Steven Noff­singer of Defi­ance. Noff­singer is charged with aggra­vated mur­der in rela­tion to the death of his ex-wife, then 29 year old Alma Noff­singer, whose body was found at their home in Decem­ber 1981. Alma Noffsinger’s mur­der was fea­tured on TNT’s “Cold Jus­tice” in August 2014, and has since gained national atten­tion. The attor­ney said that the change of venue motion would be sought because of media cov­er­age of the case. As of now, the trial is sched­uled to begin April 27 at 9am.

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