Cordoba Indicted On Murder Charge

Romauldo Cor­doba Jr. of Arch­bald, was indicted Mon­day in Wauseon on one count of mur­der with a firearm spec­i­fi­ca­tion and one count of felony domes­tic vio­lence. Cor­doba is in Texas, where he was appre­hended last week, await­ing extra­di­tion back to Ohio. If con­victed on the mur­der charge, Cor­doba could be sen­tenced to life behind bars, but not death, as the death penalty in Ohio only applies to aggra­vated mur­der in some spe­cific cases. Cor­doba is accused of shoot­ing 27 year old Joshua McJil­ton to death on April 25th in a park­ing lot out­side DB Down­town Bil­liards in Wauseon after McJil­ton stepped between Cor­doba and his estranged wife, who were hav­ing a con­fronta­tion out­side the bar. Cor­doba, for now, remains jailed in Eagle Pass, Texas while the U.S. Mar­shals Ser­vice makes arrange­ments to bring him back here for prosecution.

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