Williams County Building Auctioned

The for­mer Williams County jail at the cor­ner of North Beech and West Bryan streets is going on the auc­tion block today. By order of the Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers, the two-story, 9,027-square-foot brick for­mer jail and county sheriff’s office will be auc­tioned off to the high­est bid­der. The auc­tion is open to the pub­lic and will be con­ducted by The Car­lin Com­pany and Wil­son Auc­tion & Realty Co., Ltd. The build­ing and attached res­i­dence, on a 0.6-acre cor­ner lot in down­town Bryan, has been vacant for about a year and a half. Included in the deal today, is a three-car garage and park­ing lot. Com­mis­sion­ers say they have no idea what the build­ing will bring, since it is known to con­tain asbestos. Because of that asbestos, the build­ing could very likely be demol­ished by the new owner after today’s auction.

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