Hicksville Man Arraigned On Multiple Counts

A Hicksville man was in Defi­ance Munic­i­pal Court on Mon­day, fac­ing charges fol­low­ing an alleged inci­dent on Power Dam Road early Sat­ur­day morn­ing. 28 year old Joshua Beard is charged with felony break­ing and enter­ing, felony domes­tic vio­lence and two counts of assault. The charges stem from an inci­dent in which Beard allegedly assaulted his brother, the brother’s girl­friend and a dog. A fish­er­man restrained Beard until offi­cers arrived to take him into cus­tody, and then lock him up at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. Beard’s arraign­ment yes­ter­day, was con­tin­ued until 8:15 a.m. Wednes­day. His bond was set at $150,000 with a 10 per­cent cash allowance.

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