A Strange And Scary Day At An Angola Bank

An Angola man is in cus­tody fol­low­ing an inci­dent Fri­day after­noon at the Wells Fargo Bank in Angola. 52-year-old Kurt Hen­nig walked into the bank just after 3:00pm and accord­ing to wit­nesses, he started to act strangely. They say Hen­nig tried to lock the front door with a chain and a pad­lock, and then said he wanted to talk to the F.B.I. He was report­edly car­ry­ing somthing that appeared to con­tain liq­uid and pow­dery sub­stances. As a pre­cau­tion, the imme­di­ate area was evac­u­ated. Angola Police and Sheriff’s Deputies were called in, and they took Hen­nig into cus­tody with­out inci­dent. The items were tested and deter­mined not to be explo­sive or dan­ger­ous by the Angola Fire Department’s Haz­ardous Mate­ri­als Team, a long with a bomb squad from Fort Wayne and the Fort Wayne Fire Depart­ment Explo­sive Ordi­nance Dis­posal team. In the end, nobody was hurt. There were about 14 bank employ­ees inside, along with an unknown num­ber of cus­tomers when it all hap­pened. Hen­nig was locked up at the Steuben County Jail on a num­ber of charges, and author­i­ties say more charges are likely pend­ing as the inves­ti­ga­tion continues.

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