Accused Sex Offender In Bryan Could Get Life Behind Bars

A Bryan man was indicted Tues­day on charges that could result in a manda­tory term of life in prison with­out parole if he is even­tu­ally found guilty.

Richard A. Mojica Jr., is already serv­ing time at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. He is fac­ing two charges of first degree felony rape.

Mojica was orig­i­nally indicted back in August. The most recent charges how­ever, now carry much more severe penal­ties.

Accord­ing to the grand jury indict­ment, Mojica, back in May, sex­u­ally assaulted a woman who suf­fered a men­tal or phys­i­cal con­di­tion with­out the abil­ity to resist or con­sent to the activ­ity. Author­i­ties say Mojica forced the woman to com­ply through threats. He is now accused of being a sex­u­ally vio­lent preda­tor and a repeat vio­lent offender, mean­ing he could face a manda­tory sen­tence of life in prison with­out parole.

Mojica was arrested before, back in 2004, on a rape charge out of Henry County. At that time, he pleaded no con­test. He was arrested again in 2011 in Williams County for fail­ure to notify author­i­ties of a change in address, which he was required to do because of his clas­si­fi­ca­tion as a sex offender.

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