Aging Vehicles Present Big Problems

The Williams County Depart­ment of Aging has announced that they plan to seek a levy in Novem­ber to address some needs due to an aging fleet of vehi­cles. If the levy appears on the bal­lot in Novem­ber, it would address vehi­cle main­te­nance needs. That’s because the depart­ment of aging in Williams County has 25 vehi­cles in it’s fleet, and many of those vehi­cles have high mileage and are cost­ing a lot of money to keep on the road. Offi­cials want to replace them, and soon. The annual main­te­nance costs now run about $28,000 exclud­ing fuel, insur­ance, and other expenses, and it has begun to hurt. The depart­ment would con­sider sell­ing vehi­cles out­right or trad­ing them in for newer, lower– mileage mod­els, accord­ing to the Bryan Times. The board also dis­cussed the option of down­siz­ing the num­ber of vehi­cles, and pos­si­bly also leas­ing vehicles.

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