Angola Man Facing Felony Charges Following Alleged Assault

A man from Angola is in some seri­ous trou­ble, and fac­ing felony charges, after police say he knocked another man uncon­scious by whack­ing him in the head. It hap­pened early Sun­day morn­ing, when 23 year old Sean Gieger claims that the other guy broke into the home he was rent­ing in Angola. Appar­ently the two knew each other, and a few ear­lier thefts were also said to be behind the beat­ing. Gieger was charged on Tues­day with a Level 5 felony of Bat­tery with Mod­er­ate Bod­ily Injury, along with Level 6 felonies for Crim­i­nal Con­fine­ment and Pos­ses­sion of Metham­phet­a­mine. The injured man, whose name has not been released, was taken to Cameron Hos­pi­tal for treat­ment before being trans­ferred to a Fort Wayne hos­pi­tal for fur­ther treat­ment of seri­ous injuries. Geiger is being held on $8,000 bond as Angola Police and the Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment con­tinue to investigate.

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