An Angola man now faces mul­ti­ple charges con­nected to an alleged sex­ual assault.

The Steuben County Sheriff’s Depart­ment reports the arrest of 27 year old Kile Stock­ert, who is fac­ing up to six felony charges.

Inves­ti­ga­tors say early Sun­day morn­ing, a 26-year old woman claimed she was sex­u­ally assaulted. She was taken to the Fort Wayne Sex­ual Assault Treat­ment Cen­ter after check­ing in at an area hos­pi­tal.

Deputies began their inves­ti­ga­tion and soon located Stock­ert. He is charged with rape, three counts of crim­i­nal devi­ate con­duct, stran­gu­la­tion, and crim­i­nal con­fine­ment.

Stock­ert is being held with­out bond at the Steuben County jail.

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