Angola Teen Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy To Commit Murder

A teenager has pleaded guilty in Angola to con­spir­acy to com­mit mur­der.

19 year old Tyler Lee Biggs faced charges of mur­der and con­spir­acy to com­mit mur­der, both felonys that could have put him away for as long as 50 years. If a judge accepts the guilty plea, the mur­der charge will be dropped.

Pros­e­cu­tors say Biggs sup­plied the gun used to kill another per­son in July, 2013.

A judge will now either accept the guilty plea or reject it at a sen­tenc­ing hear­ing set for June 3. If he accepts it, he must sen­tence Biggs to a term of no more than 25 years. That sen­tence could include sus­pended time and a period of pro­ba­tion. If it’s rejected, Biggs’ not-guilty sta­tus will be restored and a jury trial will be rescheduled.

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