Angola Woman Injured In Crash

The Steuben County Sheriff’s Office says a 28-year-old Angola woman was crit­i­cally injured Sun­day when her car rear-ended a semi and became lodged under the truck’s trailer on Inter­state 69 near the Angola exit.

The crash, which closed the high­way for three hours, hap­pened when the semi, dri­ven by 23-year-old Mar­cus Dun­lop II of Zionsville, was merg­ing into south­bound traf­fic from the berm of the high­way near the U.S. 20 inter­change.

A car, dri­ven by Christy Keaton ran into Dunlop’s semi and became lodged under the trailer. It took res­cuers 52 min­utes to dis­lodge the car and free Keaton, who was flown to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in crit­i­cal con­di­tion. Dun­lop was uninjured.

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