Archbold man sentenced in April shooting death

An Arch­bold man was sen­tenced to prison Fri­day after­noon in Ful­ton County Com­mon Pleas Court for the death of Joshua McJil­ton. The judge sen­tenced 39-year-old Romualdo Cor­doba, Jr. to 14 years for the shoot­ing death last April. The vic­tim was killed when Cor­doba approached his wife’s vehi­cle behind a Wauseon bil­liard hall with a pis­tol as she tried to leave the lot. McJil­ton approached Cor­doba to dif­fuse the sit­u­a­tion and was shot twice. He died at the Ful­ton County Hos­pi­tal in Wauseon. Cor­doba apol­o­gized in court, say­ing he never had any inten­tion that night to harm the man.

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