Archbold To Place Levy On Ballot

Arch­bold Vil­lage Coun­cil took steps this week, to place a replace­ment levy on the Novem­ber bal­lot. Coun­cil voted unan­i­mously to place a 3.3-mill replace­ment prop­erty tax levy on the Novem­ber bal­lot. Accord­ing to Arch­bold offi­cials, the replace­ment levy would raise an addi­tional $389,000 per year begin­ning in tax year 2016, with col­lec­tions on the levy begin­ning in 2017. Cur­rently, vil­lage res­i­dents are pay­ing $32.91 for a $100,000 prop­erty. If the new levy is passed, the replace­ment levy would bump that num­ber up to $101 per year.

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