Area Lawyers Honored for Long Service

Some local lawyers will be hon­ored for their long ser­vice to the com­mu­nity at the Lun­cheon Meet­ing of the Ohio State Bar Asso­ci­a­tion Dis­trict 3 Lun­cheon at Father John’s Micro­brew­ery in Bryan. At the meet­ing on Sep­tem­ber 23 the pres­i­dent of the State Bar Asso­ci­a­tion will speak about issues fac­ing the legal pro­fes­sion cur­rently. He will also rec­og­nize David Kuen­zli of Find­lay, John Weaner of Defi­ance and Robert Young of Van Wert for their 50 years of ser­vice to the law, and George Schroeder of Ottowa for 65 years as an attorney.

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