Area Trick or Treat Times

North­west Ohio towns have released when the lit­tle ghosts and gob­lins and zom­bies will be vis­it­ing door to door. Most will be hav­ing tri­cik or treat­ing on Sat­ur­day Novem­ber first. That would include Bryan, Alvord­ton, Edger­ton, Pulaski and West Unity. And the times are between 5 to 7 or 6 and 7:30. Edon will have trick or treat­ing this Sat­ur­day the 25th from 6 to 7. Hicksville, too is this Sat­ur­day with the Hal­loween Parade start­ing at 4 and after trick or treat­ing a party at the fire hall. Mont­pe­lier, too is this Sat­ur­day and its Hal­loween parade starts at 5:15. Pio­neer will be Thurs­day Octo­ber 30th and Stryker will be the only town that has Hal­loween on actual Hal­loween, Fri­day the 31st.

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