Ashley Man Jailed On Sex Charges

An Ash­ley man was arrested Wednes­day for allegedly being involved in sex crimes back in the sum­mer of 2013 that involved a then 13-year-old girl. 24 year old James Pet­tit is now in the DeKalb County Jail, where he faces three Class A felony counts of Child Molest­ing and a Level 4 Felony count of Sex­ual Mis­con­duct with a Minor. Indi­ana State Police say the alleged crimes, involv­ing sex­ual inter­course, all took place between June and August of 2013. The inves­ti­ga­tion that resulted in the charges was begun ear­lier this year after alle­ga­tions sur­faced that Pet­tit raped the same young girl in March of this year at Sun­set Park in Ash­ley. Pet­tit was jailed with­out bond.

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