Bank Robbery Suspects Still On The Run

Three sus­pects are still on the run, but a get­away vehi­cle has been recov­ered fol­low­ing the rob­bery of the Farm­ers State Bank in Ash­ley on Mon­day morn­ing. Accord­ing to the sheriff’s office, the sus­pects entered the bank, dis­played a hand­gun, demanded money from the tellers and got away in a blue Ford Explorer with an unknown amount of cash. No cus­tomers were in the bank at the time, and nobody was hurt. The car was later found aban­doned near a pri­vate lake, and now offi­cers believe that they ditched it and fled in another vehi­cle. Mean­while, inves­ti­ga­tors are ask­ing any­one who might have any infor­ma­tion at all about the inci­dent, to con­tact the Indi­ana State Police, Steuben County Sher­iff Depart­ment, or Ash­ley Police. The inves­ti­ga­tion is continuing.

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