Big Drug Roundup In Defiance

More than 25 peo­ple were rounded up and arrested on drug charges Mon­day in Defi­ance County. The arrests yes­ter­day came fol­low­ing an under­cover drug inves­ti­ga­tion that took place over the past 18-months, focus­ing mainly on pre­scrip­tion opi­ates, cocaine and mar­i­juana.

The lengthy inves­ti­ga­tion ended with 31 peo­ple being charged with 88 drug related offenses after a coor­di­nated effort con­sist­ing of aome 40 offi­cers from a num­ber of area law enforce­ment agen­cies.

The raids began yes­ter­day morn­ing at var­i­ous loca­tions around 8am, and by noon, 27 sus­pects had been nabbed.

Some of the items seized dur­ing Monday’s oper­a­tion were sus­pected drugs and drug para­pher­na­lia, includ­ing mul­ti­ple nee­dles, pipes and straws used for snort­ing. More arrests are pend­ing. The inves­ti­ga­tion is continuing.

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