Board of Ed considers multi-million dollar sports complex plan

The Defi­ance City Board of Edu­ca­tion met this week to hear how a new pro­posed sports com­plex could save the dis­trict a mil­lion dol­lars and be a boost to busi­ness. Accord­ing to Brad Mor­ri­son of Maumee Bay Turf Cen­ter, the field can be used year round and last 10 years or more, if prop­erly cared for.

The cost for the project would be almost 3.5 mil­lion dol­lars, whicn includes dugouts, light­ing, fenc­ing and facil­i­ties to house restrooms, a press box and con­ces­sion stand.

The dis­trict would take out a loan inter­est loan for two mil­lion dol­lars, the rest paid from bonds and cap­i­tal projects.

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