Bomb Threat Results In Arrest

A man has been arrested in con­nec­tion to a bomb threat at Kalida Man­u­fac­tur­ing on Wednes­day. The arrest came fol­low­ing a call that was made to the Put­nam County Sheriff’s Office, yes­ter­day morn­ing, in which the caller said there was a hostage sit­u­a­tion and a bomb at KMI. Upon fur­ther ques­tion­ing by the 911 oper­a­tor, the caller claimed to be a ter­ror­ist, and then hung up. It was quickly deter­mined that the call was made from inside the fac­tory. Police, includ­ing a bomb squad, checked the place out, but found no explo­sives. Employ­ees were then, one by one, inter­viewed in con­nec­tion with the bomb threat. 23 year old Thomas Hollingsworth was arrested. Hollingsworth is being held in the Put­nam County Adult Deten­tion Cen­ter on charges of mak­ing ter­ror­ist threats and will be in Put­nam County Munic­i­pal Court today. The case remains under investigation.

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