Bryan Board of Public Affairs approves disbursing reimbursement payments.

Bryan Municipal Utilities is glad to help out other communities when they need it, but that does come at a cost. The Bryan Board of Public Affairs approves disbursing reimbursement payments that have been to the city’s electric fund to the individual line items that need them, specifically overtime. They add…those communities do reimburse Bryan Municipal Utilities and so far BMU has been reimbursed a little over $30,000 dollars. The resolution approved by the BPA was not additional appropriations, but merely appropriating the reimbursements received to the accounts needing them. The amount for the overtime line item re-appropriated was $23,288.22. So far, the reimbursements have come from Pioneer, Hillsdale and Wapakoneta. The board also tabled a resolution, concerning payment from the Bryan Communications Department to the Bryan Electric Department…for use of the fiber-coax plant, due to a discrepancy in the amount of the principal balance remaining. The payment, which likely will be $25,000, will be budgeted for next year.



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