Bryan Couple Lead Police On Wild Chase — Drugs Behind Three State Persuit

A cou­ple from the Bryan area led law enforce­ment on a chase through three states early Tues­day morn­ing. It all began around 3:30 yes­ter­day morn­ing, and it ended with the arrests of the dri­ver, Gabe Gam­bler, and his pas­sen­ger, Jen­nifer Cul­bert­son. Bryan Police say they tried to stop the two in their vehi­cle when they were seen in Bryan, as Gam­bler and Cul­bert­son were both known by offi­cers to have had active war­rants out for their arrests. When they were pulled over and asked to get out of the vehi­cle, the two refused, and then took off in the car. Police chased them through Williams County, Steuben County, Indi­ana; and finally stopped them in Hills­dale County, Michi­gan where spike strips were deployed to finally stop the vehi­cle. As they were being chased, the two were seen toss­ing chem­i­cals and mate­ri­als used to man­u­fac­ture metham­phet­a­mine from the vehi­cle, and when they were finally stopped, they set the car on fire before they got out of it. Both Gam­bler and Cul­bert­son are being held at the Hills­dale County jail pend­ing extra­di­tion back to Ohio.

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