The Bryan Area Foun­da­tion is seek­ing appli­ca­tions for the Har­lan G. and Ernes­tine B. Span­gler Con­tin­u­ing

Edu­ca­tion Schol­ar­ship, given annu­ally to a Williams County res­i­dent pur­su­ing a cer­tifi­cate pro­gram, an asso­ciate degree or bach­e­lor degree at any accred­ited col­lege, uni­ver­sity or tech­ni­cal school.

The recip­i­ent must be a high school grad­u­ate, at least 25 years old and must be return­ing to school from at

least five years in the work force. The final selec­tion will be based on finan­cial need. The dead­line to apply is com­ing up on August sec­ond.

For more details visit

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