Bryan Man To Be Sentenced Today For Fraud

A Bryan man who was found guilty of arrang­ing bogus sales of $250,000 worth wooden pal­lets will be sen­tenced this after­noon in Williams County Court. 36 year old Gene Fer­rell faces up to 35 years in prison when he stands before Judge J.T. Stelzer this after­noon at 2 p.m. in the Williams County cour­t­house. Fer­rell pleaded guilty last month to a list of charges, includ­ing 16 counts of grand theft, one count of petty theft and one count of money laun­der­ing, after inves­ti­ga­tors proved that between April 2009 and Decem­ber 2011, Fer­rell ran a scam, bro­ker­ing sales of wooden pal­lets to com­pa­nies through­out the U.S. with no inten­tion of pay­ing for them. The alle­ga­tions, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, came from an FBI inves­ti­ga­tion that started after sev­eral truck­ing com­pa­nies and pal­let man­u­fac­tur­ers filed com­plaints. Fer­rell was also arrested in a sep­a­rate case on drug traf­fick­ing charges.

He is sched­uled for an ini­tial appear­ance on that charge dur­ing today’s pro­ceed­ings too.

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