Bryan Police made quite a few arrests on Wednes­day.

18 year old Sean Crocker of Bryan, was arrested for Under­age Con­sum­ing. He was released.

19 year old Dustin Swank of Mont­pe­lier, was also arrested for Under­age Con­sum­ing. He too was released.

50 year old Larry McIn­tosh of Bryan, was arrested on a Felony Vio­la­tion of a Pro­tec­tion Order. He was taken to CCNO.

21 year old Casey Sharp of Bryan, was arrested for Abuse of Harm­ful Intox­i­cants. She was released.

23 year old Brit­tany Sharp of Bryan, was also arrested for Abuse of Harm­ful Intox­i­cants. She was also released.

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