Bryan PD Investigating Hit And Runs

Bryan Police are inves­ti­gat­ing two hit-skip acci­dents that hap­pened recently. The first occured last Wednes­day, and involved a 14-year-old girl who was rid­ing to school on her bicy­cle.

Police report the girl was ped­al­ing west through the north-side cross walk at South Wal­nut Street and East Maple Street, near the Bryan Mobile Home Court, when she was hit by a dark gray car trav­el­ing south on South Wal­nut Street. She described the dri­ver as “a tall, skinny man.“

The dri­ver stopped and asked if she was alright. The girl said yes, she was, and that she just wanted to go to school.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the car’s front license plate was stuck in the spokes of the bicycle’s tire. The girl pulled it out and gave it to the dri­ver, who took it and then fled.

Also last Wednes­day, police say a man on a Harley David­son motor­cy­cle on North Union Street was hit by a copper-colored Lin­coln Con­ti­nen­tal as the Lin­coln attempted to pass.

The motor­cy­cle was slammed broad-side and knocked to the pave­ment.

The two dri­vers report­edly got in to a heated argu­ment, then the dri­ver of the Lin­coln took off. He was described as 30 to 50 years old, thin but mus­cu­lar, 120 to 140 pounds, very tan, with shoulder-length brown hair and a thin beard.

Bryan Police ask any­one with any info on either acci­dent to call them at 419–636-4233.

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