Bryan Plans Sewer Work

Bryan City Coun­cil held their reg­u­larly sched­uled meet­ing on Tues­day, at which they dis­cussed needed improve­ments to the san­i­tary and storm sew­ers in the city. The Bryan Times reports that work will include new san­i­tary sys­tems and storm sewer improve­ments on sev­eral streets, along with upsiz­ing of the storm sewer in front of Ohio Art. The move comes fol­low­ing com­plaints by many res­i­dents who say they have been deal­ing with flood­ing and sewer back­ups. The entire project was already included in the annual bud­get, at an esti­mated cost of about $200,000. No timetable for begin­ning or com­ple­tion was given, as the project is still in the design phase.

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