Bryan sewer rate hike proposed

Bryan City Coun­cil wants to raise sewer charges by $7.50 per ser­vice unit. Last night they approved the first read­ing for the leg­is­la­tion. The rate increase will help pay for nec­es­sary work at the waste­water treat­ment plant. It’s expected to gen­er­ate nearly $3 mil­lion over the next seven years. Part of the improve­ments will include mov­ing the plant from a chlo­rine dis­in­fec­tion process to com­ply with the EPA stan­dards that go into effect in 2017. They are con­sid­er­ing using ultra­vi­o­let radi­a­tion instead of chlo­rine. The new mea­sure will be taken up at a future meet­ing, and if approved will take affect after March 20th.

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