Bryan Woman Dead Following Motorcycle Crash

The inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues today into the death of a Bryan woman, who was killed early Sun­day morn­ing on U.S. 6 in Williams County. 34 year old Melody Bridges, a pas­sen­ger on a motor­cy­cle dri­ven by 37 year old Solomon Meade, also of Bryan, was pro­nounced dead at the scene of that crash. The Ohio High­way Patrol says it hap­pened just after mid­night yes­ter­day on US-6 east of Williams County Road 16, near Bryan, when Meade’s motor­cy­cle hit a deer. Both Meade and Bridges were thrown from the motor­cy­cle. Meade was treated for minor injuries at the scene. Bridges was lying in the road, when a semi truck dri­ven by 60 year old Ricky Yea­ger of Michi­gan, didn’t see her lying in the road as he approached, and ran over her and killed her. Police say nei­ther Meade nor Bridges were wear­ing hel­mets at the time of the crash.

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