Bryan Woman Pleads Guilty To Drug Charges

A Bryan woman who police arrested at the scene of two sep­a­rate drug raids in Williams County, pleaded guilty last week to charges related to pro­duc­tion of metham­phet­a­mine. 56 year old Julie Austin pleaded guilty in Williams County Court to ille­gal assem­bly or pos­ses­sion of chem­i­cals for man­u­fac­ture of drugs. The guilty plea comes after sheriff’s deputies last month, dur­ing a search of Austin’s West High Street apart­ment, found meth and meth pro­duc­tion mate­ri­als.

Austin, who is also known as Julie Green, has a long list of prior con­vic­tions rang­ing from fail­ure to file taxes and pass­ing bad checks to drug pos­ses­sion and theft accord­ing to the Bryan Times. She is now sched­uled to appear in court again on April 7th for her sen­tenc­ing, at which time she faces the pos­si­bil­ity of a long, long time behind bars.

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