Ariel Cas­tro learned his fate in a Cleve­land court room yes­ter­day, but it was no sur­prise to most onlook­ers.

The 53 year old for­mer school bus dri­ver was sen­tenced Thurs­day to life in prison plus 1,000 years.

Michelle Knight, one of the three young women Cas­tro held cap­tive in his Ohio home for a decade was in court. She told Cas­tro, “You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back. I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just begin­ning.“

Cas­tro pleaded guilty last week to 937 counts, includ­ing aggra­vated mur­der, kid­nap­ping, rape and assault. A deal struck with pros­e­cu­tors spared him from the death sentence.

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