CCNO Hands Out Recognitions

Two employ­ees received spe­cial recog­ni­tion dur­ing the Feb. 26 meet­ing of the Cor­rec­tions Com­mis­sion of North­west Ohio.

Cor­rec­tions Super­vi­sor Jason Wise­cup was named CCNO Employee of the year for 2013. Jason has been employed at CCNO since 2004.

Michael Jor­dan was named the Top Con­tract Employee for 2013. Michael is an IT tech­ni­cian of more than ten years expe­ri­ence, and was rec­og­nized for pro­vid­ing prompt assis­tance to CCNO staff, research­ing solu­tions to issues, and train­ing var­i­ous CCNO staff on the use of new pro­grams and equip­ment.

CCNO staff also noted that Michael has been instru­men­tal in updat­ing var­i­ous pro­grams to include the library com­puter sys­tem and the GED class­room with the newly required Pear­son Vue GED test­ing system.

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