CCNO Meets

Billing high­lighted Wednesday’s reg­u­lar meet­ing of CCNO. Lucas County Com­mis­sioner Pete Gerken asked if the bills had been adjusted to reflect the approved bylaw changes made at the May meet­ing. CCNO Fis­cal Man­ager Tonya Jus­tus noted that the bill was cor­rect and also said the juris­dic­tions are billed quar­terly for their allo­cated beds. They are also billed monthly for any over uti­liza­tion of their bed allo­ca­tion. Lucas County and Toledo remain in a legal dis­agree­ment over the crim­i­nal code issue that is sched­uled to be heard in court in Decem­ber as it has an impact on pre­trial offend­ers housed at the Lucas County Jail. No mem­bers from the City of Toledo were present dur­ing the board meet­ing. Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Jim Den­nis said Wednesday’s pop­u­la­tion stood at 567 or 88 per­cent. He said the pop­u­la­tion peaked to 599 one week­end in June in which Defi­ance County, Toledo and Williams County were over their bed allot­ments. Mr. Den­nis said he con­tin­ues to seek infor­ma­tion in regards to the care and treat­ment of those addicted to heroin and incar­cer­ated at CCNO. He said pos­si­ble grant fund­ing and spe­cial­ized pro­grams are being looked into.

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