CCNO Still “Go” But Only By A Thread

It’s been a tense few days, but yes­ter­day things eased up a bit as the City of Toledo announced that it is mak­ing its fourth-quarter pay­ment to the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. Still how­ever, the jail’s long-term via­bil­ity remains uncer­tain. Toledo announced last month that it may not be able to make the $1.4 mil­lion pay­ment due Oct. 1 to cover the 228 beds it uti­lizes at the 638-bed regional jail near Stryker. How­ever, Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson said the city would pay $1.09 mil­lion, and that’s enough to keep CCNO going at exist­ing lev­els through Dec. 13. How­ever, the absence of a long-term deal between Toledo and Lucas County remains an issue, and it’s cer­tainly one issue that will sur­face at a spe­cial CCNO board meet­ing planned for today at the Henry County Emer­gency Oper­a­tions in Napoleon. The jail employs about 200 includ­ing part-time and con­tracted workers.

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