Central Local Lists Make-Up Plans

The Cen­tral Local School Board met on Fri­day to decide how to make up the remain­ing days that were missed this win­ter due to weather.

With 11 school days to make up, the dis­trict has obtained three bliz­zard bags from the state.

For those who may be won­der­ing what that means, bliz­zard bags con­tain a day’s worth of school work, to be com­pleted over a two-week span. A day of school will be made up for every bliz­zard bag turned in.

The first of the bliz­zard bags, rep­re­sent­ing Jan. 10, is due March 26, with the sec­ond bag due April 9 and the third April 23.

The bliz­zard bag pol­icy comes after the dis­trict reports that it has already used up all of it’s five calamity days, which it doesn’t have to make up.

Unless we get hit with another late-winter or early spring storm, Cen­tral Local Schools only have one more day that will need to be made up after the bliz­zard bag days. That day is now set for May 29th.

Pre­vi­ously, the board of edu­ca­tion had enter­tained the option of adding 30 min­utes per day onto the school sched­ule to make up for some of the days, but they decided to forgo it as they felt it wouldn’t be advantageous.

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