The Postal Reform Act of 2013 is on the way, and once it becomes law, the days of postal car­ri­ers walk­ing door-to-door will be over.

The Con­gres­sional act man­dates Post Offices use “the most cost effec­tive pri­mary mode of mail deliv­ery pos­si­ble,” specif­i­cally phas­ing out “to the door” deliv­ery in favor of curb-side drop-off.

Although postal work­ers will still make excep­tions for peo­ple with phys­i­cal lim­i­ta­tions and large parcels and let­ters requir­ing sig­na­tures, most of the deliv­er­ies will be done by dri­ving rather than by walk­ing.

Accord­ing to an inter­view with the Post­mas­ter in Bryan in today’s Bryan Times, curb ser­vice is the fastest, safest and most effi­cient way to get the job of deliv­ery done.

The local post office is request­ing that Bryan res­i­dents install mail boxes within 18 inches of the curb with their house num­ber on the side of the box.

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