Chief Donates

A job well done by local shop­pers!

Chief Super­mar­kets held Good Neigh­bor Day April 22, and accord­ing to the Bryan Times, patrons of the store here in Bryan did a won­der­ful job con­tribut­ing to north­west Ohio fam­i­lies who need assis­tance.

Chief, on April 22nd, agreed to donate a per­cent­age of sales to sup­port local food pantries.

Cus­tomers could choose the amount they wished to donate when they checked out.

Accord­ing to Chief Super­mar­kets, dona­tions from all the company’s stores totaled $18,562, and $1,888 of that total came from the Bryan store and will go to Bryan area food pantries.

Since the com­pany ini­ti­ated the pro­gram in 2009, $209,000 has been donated to food pantries.

Offi­cials say each dol­lar donated pro­vides 25 pounds of food… enough to make 19 meals or to feed two peo­ple for three days.

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