The city of Defi­ance plans to have its waste removal dri­vers watch for Christ­mas trees next week. A truck will then be sent out to pick them up.

Each year, the trees are col­lected and taken out to the Ottawa River Bea­gle Club on Christy Road, where they are used on the prop­erty for rab­bit cover.

In Henry County, the Napoleon Firemen’s Asso­ci­a­tion will pick up Christ­mas trees in the city start­ing at 8 a.m. Sat­ur­day. Res­i­dents who want to dis­pose of a Christ­mas tree are asked to have it at the curb before 8 a.m.

In Hicksville, peo­ple there say trees are typ­i­cally used in ponds for fish and out in the woods or fields for pheas­ant habi­tat, but peo­ple can leave their Christ­mas trees at the curb for vil­lage employ­ees to pick up. Hicksville res­i­dents also have the option of drop­ping off the pine trees at the recy­cling cen­ter, where they will be chipped for mulch.

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