Church Rebounds

The Edger­ton United Methodist Church was destroyed by a light­ning strike back on the night of July 17, 2012.

It’s been a long and dif­fi­cult road back, but this Sun­day, the con­gre­ga­tion will cel­e­brate com­ple­tion of the new church with sanc­ti­fi­ca­tion of the sanc­tu­ary at 10:30 Sun­day morn­ing.

Pas­tor Richard Bar­nett, through the Bryan Times, extended an invi­ta­tion to every­one to attend. After the ser­vice, there will be a potluck din­ner in the new fel­low­ship hall.

Ground was bro­ken for the new church on Palm Sun­day a year ago, and work on what will end up being about a $2 Mil­lion project has con­tin­ued non­stop since.

Pri­vate dona­tions and insur­ance are cov­er­ing the costs, and the church will not even have to deal with a mort­gage when it’s all done.

The new church is the same size as the one it replaces… about 9,000 square feet.

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