Peo­ple have turned out in droves to help those in Cloverdale who are try­ing to recover from the dev­as­ta­tion of the recent tor­na­dos that hit there.
Due to an over­whelm­ing response from peo­ple will­ing to donate cloth­ing, offi­cials in Cloverdale are ask­ing that no more items be brought in at this time.
Mean­while, Cloverdale res­i­dents are encour­aged to drop by Oak Haven Care Cen­ter and take advan­tage of the donated cloth­ing, water, canned goods and baby items that are avail­able free of charge.
Although enough cloth­ing has been col­lected, offi­cials in Cloverdale say they are still in need of vol­un­teers to help clean up.
Res­i­dents are also reminded that if their homes were impacted by the Nov. 17 storm, they should con­tact the Put­nam County Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency at 419–538-7315 by Wednesday.

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